Tuesday, October 17, 2006

An apology and an acknowledgement

This is going to a dear friend of mine. Thank you for being man enough to point out my mistakes with such grace and courage (lol).

I was given a priceless gift. The gift of your friendship. Yes, we have had rocky times, but we have endured it together and talked it out. I wish I had words to express my gratitude for the talk we had tonight. You opened my eyes to things that I did not want to see or acknowledge. Yet, like a good friend does, you persisted.

You have the patience of a saint and the heart of gold. You deserve the very best in life and I pray that one day you get it.

I don't know how to say I'm sorry to you. Those words don't seem like enough.

Remember, forever is a very long time, so be prepared to draw a lot of pictures. Once again, thank you.

You know I don't say this unless I mean it, and I mean this in the most platonic way, I love you.

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